my name is anthony wilson. i'm the director of advocacy in kip and bayview area schools. i'm here to reiterate that we are generally not satisfied with the popular offer to locate our school in the mission education center. as you know we've served kids in the bayview since 2003, which is about 15 years, and we are not newcomers to the bayview community, but we're part of the existing community. our charter clearly outlines and states that our school will serve students of the day viba and we know that there's space at the schools, such as malcolm x. the district has made it a priority to keep students in the bayview and kip has created an opportunity for that purpose. so it does not make sense to ship 100 plus students out of the bayview and bus the new school students who do not live in the bayview in. so displacing two communities will ultimately punish the learner, which is our students. so our prospective parents who i'm here on behalf of, and our students and our families want to stay in the bayview, and i hope that we can work together over the next month to work i