prior to then at the dormitory where he lived at, hillfort dormitory, captain humayun kahn used to tutor him. "whenever he would have a lesson, "instead of coming to us, he would go to humayun "and do his homework and humayun not only helped him "do his homework but take him for a bike ride "or take him for jogging and they became "really good friends." humayun became his mentor. - you had no idea. - we had no idea. - right. - so humayun passes and they get the news that this has happened and this boy asked his parents, now his parents are telling us that. "he asked us when is his funeral. "i want to go to the funeral." and they said, "sure, we'll take you. "his funeral is on 15th of june "and we will go to arlington cemetery. "that's were the funeral is." he said, "we will go." he said, "no, i don't want to go like this." parents said, "what do you mean you don't want to go "like this?" he said, "take me to a clothing store. "i want to buy a black suit. "want to buy a black tie and a buttoned shirt." - yeah. - "i want to be most respectful to my mentor." 10 year old boy. - 10 year old b