mold muslim also these girls will give you phones for good girls. the judicial slobo do the same you belong to show it's good to go. to start ups to hold of some good to needle of even the littlest makes you look it is it's. your stash not just to mr steve tonight it's the mashed old truck to stop the president and the speech from this project until. we have produced a toast listening to snap them up on you look as good as the girls are with you for your supporters to your machine station machines too you should cut off the one whose job is the request. it's hard. to make them good money or pay bills off mabel to. help my children. my children are. we're here we're. just something that has to be good. you know that's it's just like this job too you know two nights ago i wanted to go home i was tired. but. there was a high tanks we had to haul the water otherwise to the well shut down and. people get upset so. you do what you have to do. in the oil. adults has slowed down but still steady and you know doing just well doing three jobs every day of the