one example would be to the west when nwa released their outta compton, i understood the energy because i added the struggle. they were speaking about oppression and police violence. but when they came out with the * the police, the powers that be legislatively and otherwise turned it into an anti-police record. so you had young people chanting that sentiment, and being somewhat disobedient and really kind of antagonizing officers in cities are at the country, particularly when nwa would perform. example, and this is not in reference to music, but it has to do with movies. when the movie set it off with queen latifah and gina pinkett, pinkett, there was an instance in los angeles where young women were robbing stores. the perception of it was, because of this movie, the influenced work -- the individuals were influenced by and encouraged to do so. and we know that in criminology, sociology, psychology, we tempt to bridge the two, we tempt to explain -- we attempt to explain the behavior. variablesare other that contribute to delinquency and criminality. we can't just say the movie made