organism of species, that's darwinism and it's a position which is being increasingly held as a secular doctrine. comparable, comparable to the book of genesis. mark: is he right? >> i have a lot of doubts, i have a lot of doubts and so do other people. there are many, many places when one looks at darwinism, some says look, this isn't the scientific theory, it's a collection of anecdotes. why did the giraffe develop such a long neck? well, he wanted to reach the trees on the top. well how come other animals didn't develop the long neck? they didn't want to reach the trees on the top. how come certain type of european eels have to swim across the atlantic in order to mate? others are happy fornicating close to home. it worked for one seal, not the other. why aren't women born with tails like cats? well, women don't seem to need the tails, though it could make them more alluring than they are. why don't cats rule the world, considering they have every reason and every opportunity to do so? well, they're content being our domestic masters. the anecdotes pile on interminably and no fundamental lead