i'm steeped in the importance of shared streets issues and now we need to make sure mobility is ak eszable to people of all means and abilities. so very briefly about where we're at with bird, we're moving forward with being more aggressive on user education. we're in the process of designing an in-app video that all new users will be required to watch when they sign up that clearly illustrates where to ride, how to park. now we have a live feature in-app where users are required to photograph how they've parked their scooter at the end of their ride. and they will not be able to end the ride without that photograph. and this is there to help us keep a record of user behavior. if somebody's following the rules and that scooter gets messed up later on, we don't want to punish those users, but we want to make sure if somebody is not operating our scooter ins -- scooters in good faith, that we have a record of it. we can address that with education and a warning and follow up with escalating action, suspension of account and even cancellation of account if the user continues to be a bad actor