and already, the so-called propaganda music has been dismantled on saturday, the clocks are changing in pyong yang, and so we're seeing a lot of symbolic gestures and with the panel, perhaps we can discuss how real they might be and what they might be leading to, if anything at all. i have with me dr. sue mead perry who has been an analyst of the the cia, analyst on issues and director for career on both the george w. bush and the obama administration. she's now at csis ch. and we have washington d.c. bureau chief, who is going to talk a little about how the japanese public sees the dimensions of so-called recent developments. and dr. the senior asia specialist for defense analysis who has lots of interesting things to say as well, particularly regarding the recent summit. i think we'll take each of you in order for a few minutes to layout how you see things and i'll have some questions and finally we'll throw it open it the floor at the end. please do catch my eye if you have a question. doctor. >> yes. >> perhaps we can start by asking you if this summit with president trump is really going