your presentation is 7 minutes and then you'll get a chance for rebullet al. >> i'm zack.i'm the architect of record for this project. we got involved in this project in july of 2016. we're working with a homeowner to create a family home they wanted to live in ongoing. i'm going to provide a really brief overview. the way patrick presented the permit history was actually confusing to me because we submitted two building permits. i know there was a number of sprinkler permits and everything. i want to present the way we see the permit submittal going. this shows the basic - outline f the home. i'm outlined in green the scope of work. that was that. the permit itself was the description of work was actually a revision of the previous 2009 permit. those are the two permits we filed architecturally to describe the project. we worked very diligently to describe which areas were to be remain and which were to be demolished. we provided you a packet that outlines that very well. i can review that if you would like. ultimately, very significant portions of the side walls remain.