in the footnote, let me read it, in 1984, stephen ambrose publish the first major biography that explored the best documentary sources available in kansas where his library as you write, however, in 2010, the eisenhower library reported ambrose had apparently fabricated a number of interviews with the former president and inserted unsubstantiated quotations in his text. ambrose's work has been clouded by controversy ever since. william: yes. the eisenhower library reported this in 2010. it was a big surprise. it is regrettable. it does cast a cloud over his work on eisenhower, which is actually excellent. he did a great deal of archival work, which can be verified. i want to stress that so much of his work is based in the printed record. i have looked at those documents and many more that of the date -- been declassified. it appears that there are some questions about the interviews. i want to say that stephen ambrose did a lot of good things. his role in the world war ii museum is a huge contribution to american public life. i don't want to overstate the importance of this for eisenhower