two of two evenings at ansa, north beach and thre ohree at sunset, losinne hour in closing a 8:00, instead of 9:00. it's the ex opposite of the surveys that the public wanted many the public said they were 51%or more evenings or later hours. ly% wanted more morning or early hours or weekd hours. and yet all of the cuts and no adds are being provided t -- in the opposite way of what f said. there aretolth and will have ideas of how to allocate the rfid member to get more hours, find fee systems -- comments. next speaker, please. >> i'm pcular solemn occasions in the old testament, you coul-ut you would swe te lordyour god, and i don't take what i'm going to say lightly, and i will put my hand on th bible. i guesse hhn on the biblnd raise y rightand and i acknowledge, of course, the presence of the to lie to yo i'm in big trouble. i swear to the lord god of abraham, isaac and jacob, that what you are going to hear is not a lie. it's true and it happened to me yesterday, okay? direction, because ste master didn't have any carpets to clean. so i went out to tell people about christ. rive in fr