illinois capitol members of the house are inside preparing to vote on the mandatory minimum gun bill burkett vices there are snooty notes on the bill a surprise request for a cost report on the bill filed by representative duncan forced the house to adjourn without voting the reaction among the sponsors can best be described as you've got to be kidding. an unwillingness to you have a debate about public policy and public safety and they resorted to tricks because the votes were there there was not a parliamentary trick it was a parliamentary procedure that we have in the illinois house rule book the bill is currently postponed. want to stop and deal with crime. you have to put in programs for job training that create jobs and aerials give incentives for businesses to come and some of these tough communities people feel a sense of hopelessness but i find the net. best underground economy to support themselves and their family and they don't have a blatant disregard for themselves in any and everyone else they're going to go through this sort of super crazy fantasy going to god is going to be