is founder and director of saint francis lengei haverked with encampment residents, impacted neighbourss, nonprofit and city workers and officials over the last two and a half years to pilot and developed a model that can transition thousands of san francisco's unsheltered residents into safe and organized spaces. news sos transitional villages are administered by nonprofit organizations with a license agreement agreement, health and safety protocols and community benefits on underutilized public or private land in impacted neighbourhoods. safe organized spaces provide triage, stabilization on the necessary amount of on-site services to support pathways to healing, housing and community integration. when it comes to stabilizing our affordableho crisis, our next mayor should, number 1, fund rent subsidies and legal right to council for tenant spacing is facing eviction. number 2, create an online registry of rent bird into an un- displaced workers and residents were seeking affordable housing no more than 30 % of the net income. number 3, develop a parcel tax that incentivizes property o