denied so many othese r so , gunther and freda embrace these values with fervor. if confirmed, everything i say or do will be an advancement of american interest and these principles, first and foremost. they are the principles that guide me throughout my life. most of them comprise the principlesl western that undergird the u.s.-e.u. relationship that has endured since 1951. between us, the united states and the e.u. member nations wields the largest economic and military power in the world. they dominate global trade and international political developments. it is why our unique relationship with europe must only be strengthened and protected. as president trump said last year in his warsaw speech, establishing the preservation of the west, as his primary foreign-policy goal in europe, there is nothing like this community of nations. the world has never known anything like it. we must have the desire and courage to preserve it in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it. know better than most, there are many challenges that confront us -- trade, securi