all properties reach over 1 billion people a month opposing view to this trend, jerry lanier says thisjust the right time to delete all your social media accounts in a new book. >> it seems the rules are changing around technology why shouldn't we all stick around the social media accounts and pressure them to do things differently instead of abandoning ship? >> i don't advocate abandoning ship entirely. i'm asking people to get off of them for a while as a personal growth exercise. in the book i say i don't know you. i don't know if it's the right thing for you to be on these things or not. i'm saying get off of them for a while. get to know the world without the subtle manipulations of these algorithms that are taking your data and trying to change you. then you know yourself well enough to make a decision. that's all i'm saying. i happen to love silicon valley. my friends and i sold a company to google. i think they're really cool i have a lot of dear friends to facebook last thing i want to do is hurt these companies. i celebrate their success. but, actually, i think pressuring the