our vision, mak fsancisco the heahiest place on ear. mayor mark ferrell and my strict supervisor jeff sheehy. what's up. sorry. embody and promote these values and the biggest champions of making san francisco the healthiest place on earth. we owe a huge gratitude them. yoheard about the racial disparities. in african-american men it is 2.5 higher and for latinos it is 2.1 higher a our campaigns we are goin doing. when you have a chance look at some of these amazing posters. this was done with a lot of work doing ethnographic research in the community and figuring out how t do this a strength-based perspective. efort at the department ofis public health. first san francisco deemploys a world class syringe access and osasp program because it is the best evident-based practice that reduces sharing among persons and reducing hiv, titiscnd hepatitis b. second, for reducing risk of infection syringes they are the most important group to reduce infectionsauseechey have the highest risk of getting multiple pathogen. i want to end by reminding