i'm maria guillen and i want to thank supervisor ronen for bringing forward the importance of supporting ab2314. i stand today in full support of the leadership of the california domestic workers coalition. their movement is exhilerating and the momentum and respect they've garnered is breathtaking. as i call out leadership, i would be remiss if i did not credit san francisco for its role in the transformation of the home care industry by recognizing the value of long-term care. you heard the call from the community and provided funding for the support at home pilot that expands access to in-home support services, to seniors, and people with disabilities by providing financial support. it goes without saying that we must take continued and consistent steps forward to ensure a comprehensive, seamless, and forward-thinking, long-term care program. for that reason, we call on your leadership and vision to take further actions. we, as san francisco, must push the california legislature to pass ab2314 to ensure that alongside the elders, the rights of domestic workers and caregivers are being