. >> marvin fitzwater, the job is to be a reporter because you have to figure out how to give information across the bureaucracy. sarah sanders: i could not agree more, a lot of times we deal with an issue that has eight or nine different principles and you have to get information from all of them to do your best to accurately reflect the overall process, not just one player. you are on a fact-finding mission. you are doing your best to get as much as possible. pretty consolidated amount of time, and related to the world. >> easy or difficult to get information, especially with military information? sarah sanders: it depends, sometimes easier than others. we have an incredible team at the white house. despite what you think, most people enjoy working with each other and have a great deal of respect for each other. while we may disagree on how to get there, we want the same thing. i think it has gotten better over the last several months as you get to know people a lot better. coming in on day one, you go from a lot of different people from all over the country in various walks of life thr