mr. rivera. next speaker, please. >> is tomasa bulloks here -- ok, laura sanchez. stephanie chikio, and liz donelly. >> laura sanchez, legal director, and the mother of two young children. one is one years old and one is three years old. i work, but my children go to a daycare at 301 mission street. every day i drive them to school and pick them up. as a working mother, or mothers or fathers, it's incredibly hard to find loving daycare in the city that's affordable, and very few of us have the benefit of having daycare so close to work. i have taken public transportation or biking is not feasible because of their young age, and i have a really, like issue and i don't know what the solution will be once this permit parking is implemented. i don't know how i will get my children to their daycare. i don't know what i'm going to do. aside from that, my job requires me to have a car. i'm an immigration attorney. we do a lot of pro bono work. we are representing individuals that are detained in facilities that are anywhere from an hour to three hours away, incredibly far