chambers outside the ins of court or before them the national council for civil liberties when you're working where you believe every five you say they did. one of the tap is who was listening to us was. listening to c.n.n. the that was another. target but she became so convince of the rightness of the cause of stopping nuclear weapons that she defected to the us and he and she told our telephones that the national council for civil liberties were tapped. the council at the time was controlled by patricia hewitt the general secretary went on to be a cabinet minister and harriet harman who went on to become the solicitor general under both blair and brown you have faith in. all of this dirty tricks i mean you say in the book private i was regularly. going to the left it was an old trick. zinoviev letter in to the in nine hundred twenty four which in effect produced a crushing letter fake russian left through produced. the overthrew of the first labor government yes it's being it was a practice i think it has stopped i hope that it has now stopped but it was very regular in the seventy'