my colleague, nick lardy, has documented extensively how the role of the private sector grew enormously as a share of industrial output, exports, all of the major contributors to china's success story in that period. nevertheless, the role of the state and the chinese economy didn't entirely go away. it transformed a bit. and in the period since 2013 in particular, we've seen a bit of a resurgence of the state in economic activity. so this is clear that it's just a feature that we are going to have to address. we're going to need to think through how and why it matters for economies, trading partners like the united states, and to think about adapting the existing system, the wto, to recognize that. okay. so why might it matter, from an economist's perspective? and i've listed kind of four points up there as to why i think it might matter, or for certain industries, certain sectors, certain relationships, it's something for us to keep an eye on. the first is when there are global shocks. so think of a negative, you know, demand shock out there in the world that should affect all supplie