. >> i would like to comment peter albert on a splendid effort with kids that they utilize public transportation safely. but there's one question that's very important. who is going to protect the kids from rogue bicyclists on the sidewalk? that is very significant. and i think steps have to be taken for that. i have this a situation where i did, i told a cyclist he was riding on the sidewalk, he wheeled back and told me if there were more bike lanes, there would be, he would be using them and not riding on the sidewalk. i responded if there were more houses there would be less burglaries. the same twisted logic. the point is, he was disobeying the law he should have been cited and there should be citations for people who ride the bikes on the sidewalk. there are responsible cyclists who do obey the law, but people who disobey should be cited and should have a citation. furthermore, for more responsibility for cycling, they should pay for a license. motorists pay for a license, cyclists should pay for a license, too. the payment for the license should go to m.t.a. so, this is simply a form of re