there are also many smallye , health plans, that don't have captive mail order where this mht be a goodservice. remember, pharmacy is very large industry. collectively, $360 billion of sales. pill pack is very small and there is a very long road to climb here to become main stream and the bigst challenge is being part of the pharmacy networks. many years ago there was a company that tried to do the same thing. it simply didn't work. >> clearly today we saw a big response to suthis. was showing those fellow drug distributors and retail pharmacies that saw big declines theirtocks after this announcement came out. the same thing happened last year on the whole foods deal. a lot of grocery stocks went down but then back. do you see the same thing happening here? in other words would you step on some of the pharmacies now? >> right. within my coverage list whi is e managed care list, we saw the same weakness because of the exposure to mail order pharmacy. we believe that the stos overreacted and we would certainly reiterate our overweight rating within our coverage list. we would poin