the use of unmanned aircraft systems or uaf's is a perfect example of technology and leveraging it to fight wildfires in safer and more efficient ways. last year, the department conducted over 700 ua. is missions on more than 70 wildfires and we're on track to surpass that this year. the versatility of uas is making a big difference in the way that we're fighting wildfis. uas's provide real-time data and information that's use today per sue surveilnce and reconnaissance, detecting hot spots, improving mapping and increasing the effectiveness of monitoring. we're also exploring a number of new technologies, including applications and alert systems that improve firefighter safety in collaboration with the department of defense. i would also like to point out the department is widely using uas's to support natural resource management and for search and rescue missions. for example, last week, the usgs, u.s. geological survey carried out a survey of the mount kilauea volcano. they spotted an individual cornered by a lava flow. the remote pilot using the uas was able to safely navigate the