so the head photographer when we started was bob mcnealy, barbara kinney and me. we're having a blast just competing with each other taking pictures. when you compete, you keep getting better. keep getting better, better, better! i have never turned down competition. if you ever want to see what you can do for yourself, compete with somebody. this is mine again. you can always tell who's got who. but the fun stuff about being a fly on the wall is to read the paper the next day and they go, so and so said -- i'm like, they weren't even in the room. what they talking about? so this one i knew that the media wasn't all cool either! and some of them are my friends but those are the writers messing up. when you have to do visuals, a picture is still worth a thousand words. it can tell you in a heartbeat what's going on. as you see, there's some stuff going on. and when stuff is going on, i'm the fly on the wall. i hear everything. but i don't keep it. i'm looking for the photo that says, "this is a serious meeting." >> so speaking of serious, this moment here was taken