my name is claire beckett. on behalf of bright line, i would like to thank the sf m.t.a. board of directors for passing the zero emissions policy to transfer to an -- transition to an all electric bus fleet by 2025. i am here to follow up with more detail on the board's plan to establish green zones where electric buses will first be distributed as muni transitions to zero he mission buses. we -- emission buses. thanks to great data collected by the s.f. department of public health, bright lieb has identified bus routes that -- line has identified bus routes that have the most resilient neighborhoods, neighborhoods that have less resources to mitigate the effects of climate change. a few examples would be the eight bayshore routes and 14 mission routes. there's a pack etta tached regarding how this data was collected. as you move -- [inaudible] >> -- such as the resilient use leadership academy of apri who was here earlier but was unfortunately not able to stay for public comment. as mentioned by bright line staff at the last meeting on 5-15, we'll also look into communit