the first was from a physician by the name of dale klein who stated that it was difficult to get the opportunity to talk to his oawp case manager and that the case manager had not even planned to interview him in reviewing his case. he said his case manager was not even aware of an oig finding on his whistle-blower case, and that ultimately oawp did nothing to protect him from being fired. that's one. two, had an engineer by the name of daniel martin who stated oawp notified the senior officials against whom he was doing the whistle blowing about his disclosure. as a result of that, he experienced retaliation that has essentially stripped him of his job except in name only. so these seem to me to be two examples of whistle blower protection actually doing the exact opposite. so what say you about this since you were in charge of that part? >> sure. we'll address dr. klein first. that case pre-dated the establishment of oawp and his case was much down the road before any of us got involved in that. so his identity of his own accord was already proliferated everywhere. his case had in