to you about the housing, san francisco housing needs and trends report and i'll be followed by james pappas, who will talk about the housing affordable strategy. i'm presenting data today, some of the highlights of the data analysis we have done in the report and the full report in front of you now on our website for members of the public has a much fuller set of data that i encourage you all to look at. so, the topic i will cover today include trends related to the housing stock itself. household income and housing affordability. socioeconomic and demographic changes. and then also summarize some of the additional data included in the full report that isn't here today. the purpose of the report to better understand the housing stock and how it serves the residents, and trends impacting housing supply and demand across the region. so the process of putting together this analysis has taken more than a year, and we have compiled data from a number of different data sources, including analysis of census data, using the public use micro data sample, which has let us cross tabulate individual an