if he does, all caps, quote, he will suffer the kopps consequence -- consequences, the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered. call it fire and fury 2.0, if you will. geoff is on the north lawn. we heard from national security adviser, john bolton, who has been, based on reporting, a critical voice in the tough tone on iran. >> reporter: that's right. we've been asking white house officials if the president consulted a national securikure council or his adviser before he fired off the tweet. we got from the white house this one sentence statement from john bolton. it reads this way, he says, i spoke to the president over the last several days, and president trump told me that if iran does anything at all to the negative, they will pay a price like few countries have ever paid before. bolton really echoing the president's fighting words captured in the tweet. that tweet, apparently, is a direct response to iran's president, who threatened the u.s. against interfering in tehran's government. this is all really unfolding as sanctions against iran are set to snack bap ba