. -- like manyced cities that experienced tremendous violence, someone was grappling with what do you do with the name of the edmund pettus bridge, knowing that pettis himself supported white supremacy and that this bridge became such a powerful and literal passageway from segregation to inspiration. want toand, you don't forget the past, you want to teach it to your children and have that part of the conversation that many years ago, this place did not welcome african-americans or allow them the same degree of liberty. need to injecte into the title and equally powerful memory of this being a place of revolution, a place where one of king's greatest moments took place. 25,000 people, men and women, black and white came forth to testify to the fullest understanding of american democracy that no matter who you are, you can cross this bridge and demand your right to vote. you balance, how do the dark path -- past? there are many who want to hear both in that. in many ways, the original name is important to keep because it reminds us of how far we come. >> we can't have a revisionist his