. >> senator ted stephens was senator moreor over 40 years. senator stephens was involved in the seminole legislative initiatives that helped shape alaska. continuing on through the claims settlement act, the conservation and trans-alaskat, the pipeline act and numerous others that we're going to talk about today. the ted stevens foundation was created in 2001 as a way to his service and to apply his legacy to outreach and education. foundation is primarily working on archiving and senator's papers. we're hard at work. he had over 4800 box. one of the largest congressionallal collections ever a-- congressional ever amassed in the united states. he was born in indiana. early raise inside the years by was grandparents and then in his later teenage years, moved to california and was raised by his aunt and usually. and uncle. aunt while in california, he developed a love for surfing and figuredboard was prominently in his senate office throughout his career. senatoraduation, stevens attended college in oregon for a semester but his dream was to be