we've seen buildings like this try to be reutilized, and it's tough. so i'm okay. i think this is -- i mean, somebody said it's probably one of the most under utilized sites. it's probably an exaggeration. we can probably find others, but given the fact of where it is, downtown, adjacent to transit in a very dense neighborhood, i'm comfortable with kind of demolishing this building and putting housing in here. then, the question becomes about the facade, and clearly, this is facadism, and i'm not a fan of buildings and in kind of keeping their facades, but i went out to a project this morning we approved not too long ago which was at pine and franklin by the whole foods and is housing. it had three facades that we were going to keep or might be two and one is similar. we actually lopped off one that was pasted onto the building on the east side of that building. but the western ones that are kind of midblock that are pretty similar -- not in scale but how they're being treated here i think actually work and lend a dimension to that building that i think is interest