chest but us what's he up by the west but there for everyone that is for you kicks about biblical bazza. it's hard. but i'm. i made him good money he bills off me both to help my children out and. my children are very poor. just something that has to be good. you know that it's just like this job too you know two nights ago i wanted to go home i was tired. but. the roof high takes we we had to haul the water otherwise that the well shut down and. people get upset so. you do what you have to do. in the oil. adults has slowed down though but still steady and you know just well doing three jobs every day of the week. it's work about sixty eight hours. in the day for the. the guy doing construction maybe five or six hours and this he's now working out to three or four making the sandwiches and. i write this place down for only three hundred fifty dollars a month he has the whole downstairs to himself. which is a little bit messy. i claimed. he had to leave california because there's no jobs why is there no jobs there's too many mexicans makes kids who do the same job i was doing for half of