ms. wyland. >> thank you and good evening. i just wanted to update you. i know that dylan rice has been speaking with you at hearing about the plastic reduction ordinance that supervisor katy tang's office has been working on with the department of the environment, so i wanted to give you a brief update that that did pass at the board of supervisors on july 31 and it's been referred to the mayor's office for signature to make it go into effect. dylan and i -- especially dylan -- was project managing on this legislation representing our constituents and did a fantastic job. because of his work, we co-hosted a round table with outdoor event producers at the department of the environment that was very productive and, you know, we -- from that engagement with outdoor event producers, we were successfully able to convince the department of the environment and supervisor tang's office to amend parts of the legislation and we were able to push back the operative start date to january 1, 2020, instead of july 1, 2019, because we wanted to be sure this wasn't happ