stright where the great grandmother was second cousin or property we saw is painful it's painful gennaro cham is not perfect right now a queen i would i would take him day on the defense of slavery was not something to be honored. gary flowers is a local radio host and custodian of black history in richmond he wants to show me a statue that he fought to get a rectenna in twenty seventeen so this is mrs maggie cleaned out walker. born to an insulated mother maggie walker was the first black woman to charter a bank in the united states the st luke penny savings bank statues say to the community and say to the world this is someone whose fault to put on a on a literal pedestal that is a woman to be honored and that is a woman to be memorialized so that's what is so disheartening and despicable about the confederate statues because they fought for slavery sedition. secession and racial segregation and so those are not honorable virtues for which to fight nor are they american there is no other country on the planet that honors and statuary the losers of a civil war itself that my ancestors who we