again margot kerr now. on thehe on the eve o of alf this is. just just walk walk is s the date the sysystem today [inaudible] wellll [ [inaudible] and transaction team because it has a little. they can come to blows. also remember young young. women and i mean i mean. trying to our yearly early sixties for process. lately aj's under under twenty five and because right right.. but also o raise rates [inaudible] ten ten and across from country tree and the tell tale about just trying [inaudible] hi carla. kill kill the some of leaders in canton are so. there's go wrong. the same thing. for example. right further is a great story told from the and no. on one hand how horrible. situation. where holding only no no no? yes yes. and and and and just. recently so how how. and are never. easy. they are. brought to come call. nine nine like. has anything since yesterda. okay contact with them as a member. he turned on this restauran- tomorrow attending strtringt contntrols a longtime tendes are. at the end user [inaudible] resources. and i'm talking abou