ms oc, are also responding. i look forward to asking steve mcnally at usa tae kwon do what courage was needed to ban jean lopez, despite the center for safe sports lifting his a permanent ban on him, because is is-- because his accuser understandingly overwhelmed emotionally by depositions needing to be taken at the same time, asked that arbitration proceedings be postponed. with respect to msoc, i look forward to examining the partnership between msm say and a number of community-based organizations like the ymca, the police department organizations, and the boys and girls club, the pipeline for many olympic athletes into olympic sports. -- weedback we received receive today from witnesses who are here will enable us to craft bipartisan legislation to amend the act to better safeguard athletes. much of the work needs to be done to address the grating failures at the usoc and the ngv 's and the abilities to protect athletes. if these events from last week, when we saw some of those survivors come forward, taught us anything, it is a desperate need for a complete cultural shift, a real teaching moment for americ