so when you go into a doctors officdr.'soffice normally, yes a patient. yes, you might be sick. but the fact is you are not really paying the doctor. you might be paying 10% of what the doctor gets paid but the real payers of the insurance companies or hospitals or government. so the hsa puts that back in place. with 99% of the time, the government doesn't understand the profit motive of the people and politically, we don't understand the profit motive of the bureaucrats implementing it and that is one of the bigger issues. >> from your book if you could expand on this, elon musk is one of the capitalists who knows that he is in a war and has built a company prepared to fight each and every crony battle to get his business is really advantage as possible. >> elon musk is an interesting character. i work with inventors and elon is that weird piece. there's two inventors that are well known. everybody knows, you have edison and tesla. people like to think of elon musk has tesla and this kind of wild haired inventor going out doing crazy things. the fact is, he's edited. -- edison.