it was a great eunion fiction. -- reunification.a young man in schoolworking as an emt. it was great reuniting he and the person that delivered him into this world. that was very gratifying. october 16th we had the monthly labor management meeting. very productive. 18th of october i participated with the police chief and deputy director and superintendent of schools and mayor london breed in shakeout california. we had an exercise at all workplaces as a reminder of how important it is to be prepared for seismic activity. we did a drop cover and hold drill with the students. later the deputy director and i have done it for five or six years a presentation on the san francisco fire department and overview. mark did a budget exercise with a group of students in leadership san francisco. they are adult learners through the chamber of commerce. we participated in that. then that night there was a very good turnout. deputy chief gonzalez and i attended american legion awards night. they were honored. firefighter dwayne for community servi