in 1992, hurricane iniki devastated kauai, and while much of the island has come back all the way, kekaha and its elementary school have not. >> when i went home, and this is 20 years later, they still had two shelves left in the library. i was shocked to see, after so many years they had not put the books back. i wanted to give back and didn't know how but the simplest thing that came to mind, let's start with the books, let's fill this library. >> working with a friend, may rose started spreading the word, asking for book donations, hoping maybe for 500. lemonade stand brought in a few but then things grew bigger and bigger, until may rose had collected ten times what she had dreamed of. >> over 5,000. >> reporter: and just last month, those 5,000 books completed a 2500 mile journey from the book shelves and basements of the bay area to the hands of some very grateful children in hawaii. may rose says though this is just the first of much work she plans to do to help the students of kekaha, helping make their journey to success seem not so far. >> it's this golden thread of connection t