fascinated by how the old line mainstream economists are freaking out and i saw you recently on pound nuria roubini and you know he really starts becoming outraged and he's like a rageaholic or something seems unhandy just well you know and i you're on stage with them and you're just making eminent sounds just going over the basics there what is going on with people like nouriel roubini and paul krugman what why are they having these breakdowns well i think first of all you've got to put it in context right i mean he's it old school economists is trying to have an up to date modern brit so by attaching him to the crypto space which he's not an expert in and being being the naysayer it allows him to have a modern brand which he propagates on social media unfortunately now that having been said some of the points he makes about where the quote is from a scale ability perspective i think you can actually have if you wanted to an intelligent conversation about those things be chooses not to do that he just uses nonsense in earth because there are areas that are you can be critical ah but he chooses not