s of celebrities were there to show their enthusiasm for ralph, including susan sarandon, tim robbins, bill murray, michael mooredesiywed this economy, ? i think it's time to have it designed as if people matter, ,not as if general moto exxon, dupont, or the other corporations matter. ry - it's a memo nobody who was there will ever forget. - and what happened after that? - i worknt every day. i went ievery state. i took stands on local issues, mmunity issues, neighborho, which the big candidates never do, because it's too romplicated, too corsial. i didn't take any pac money. most of the money was in small contributions. - nader was trying to point out is you can't weiv both hats effecty. one, to govern on behalf of the people, while at the same time, you have to do fundraising from very large corporatrs interests with an unnding that they are going to have to be some sort of exchange in its place. - when our candidacy was creating a lot of momentum a and buer labor day, the people started to mobilize around the fact that ralph was being excluded from the presidential debates. - campaign ads filled with half-tru