walter. -- walther. perhaps they should've had the chance to decide whether or not she saw what she said she did. >> right now, long after the fact of the commission report being out, right now, what bothers you most about the report? is there some question or questions that bother you most? >> there is one simple question. the autopsy that was performed on president kennedy, there was a conflict, a contradiction between the fbi report on the autopsy with the fbi, that they received the autopsy, the reports. the autopsy report by the warren commission. i don't want to get into exact details, but it was not absolute, it could not be true. it passes the bullet through resident kennedy's body. fbi said it did not go through, only a short distance. the worn report said -- warren report send -- said it went clean through and exited. there was evidence i think any lawyer or law court would demand, that is the actual photographs of the autopsy and the x-rays. >> almost from the day, the warren commission publis