alex gleason, welcome. >> alex gleason: thank you. good morning president serina, commissioners. my name is alex gleason. i'm one of the budget analysts for daas. i'm before you today to review additional funding allocated to daas to the california department of aging. each year federal and state funding provided in support of older americans act programs is granted to california's area agencies on aging known as aaas. during initial allocation in spring and a further allocation in an amended amount made in the fall. as detailed in the accompanying memo, this year daas received a total of $754,877 in additional funding as part of the fall amendment. this amount increased total funding for fiscal '18-'19 from $544,878,000,000. as also detailed in the memo, funds are designated for plan problematic areas and required to be spent there. they include 3-d supportive services such as in home support, transportation and legal assistance, funding for programs, home delivered meals, diseass prevention. you will be hearing about nutrition monies later and the remainder will appear before y