the artists even reckon they could give the original creators a run for their money here's how martin yan rates her version of starry night compared to vanguard's original or below i think i paid better than he did you know that said his is the original mine is a reproduction i paint this piece several times a year and i personally think i painted better than he did but no matter how much better you are you're still copying his work. and that is precisely what the local government is hoping to change international demand for the replica artworks produced here has waned since the two thousand and nine financial crisis this has prompted officials to encourage artists to produce original work instead this newly opened fourteen million dollar art museum is to has some of their work. but whether the original pieces will be produced at the a staunching speed of the replicas is another matter creativity after all takes time. just six months ago tehran seemed to be one of the go to destinations for investors from europe including germany in every way it's like siemens many other companies wanted