mr. garamendi, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. mr. garamendi: mr. speaker, thank you very much for the opportunity. i thank the rules for the opportunity. there are so many things that we need to consider today, the president announced that he is going to do his best to shut down the government of the united states and he wants to all it the trump shutdown. i wonder if he really understands what that means to americans. the department of homeland security about which there is so much discussion as to the security at the border, the ast guard, all of the i.c.e. agents and so forth, presumably, would stand down. that's what a shutdown means is that we would have no border security. i'm kind of curious exactly what the president has in mind when he says it will be the trump shutdown. we don't really want to do that. have been there before in the mid-1990's when speaker gingrich decided to shut down the government i was at the department of interior and the department of national parks and bureau of land management and on and on, simply shut down. the n