the winner is a politician named stewart l. udall, employed full-time as interior secretary in the kennedy cabinet. as a coach, udall is unique. he's not appeared at any practice sessions of his team, the washington redskins. it goes on, it could only happen in washington that a politician merely by a commitment to civil rights could turn a losing football team into a winner. continued, marshall's redskins were notable in pro football as a squad that had no negro players. that's a quote from the time. redskins games were widely televised in dixie and it may have been that chief redskin marshall believed southerners would prefer an all white team. there was a hassle when udall told marshall to integrate or else. at udall was backed by supreme court decision that generally held that what the government subsidizes it also controls. so udall said he would cancel the redskin stadium contract if the color bar was maintained. he was given a season of grace, and we did integrate. first, one player, and then several more. marshall did not ack