zoning for the site to allow for the project's proposed uses of the site, and we issued an rfqp for a cmgc in august. we worked with the community and secf staff throughout the planning process. the priorities established for the new community center included to create a place of destination, job training, and career development, affordable space for community-based organizations, green open spaces for events, a hub to connect and network, a child care center and playground, and a building of high air quality and energy efficiency. from there, we established the programatic components of the project, including providing space for future education component at the site. the community center is designed to have a public realm on the ground fair, community space and classrooms on the second floor, and affordable cooffice space for our workforce development partners on the third floor. the public realm includes a child care center for over 70 children, a public cafe, and the alex pitcher pavilion. the multipurpose space on the