g.w. business africa welcome the central bank of ghana has lowered its prime lending rates to sixteen percent on monday bringing it to the lowest rate since twenty thirteen markets are expected no change in monetary policy decision is being seen as a sign that the country has made some progress in its attempts to battle soaring inflation let's say a closer look between twenty fourteen and twenty sixteen the lending rate rose steadily with the figure hitting a high of a whopping twenty six percent it has dropped since then to the most recent rate of around about seventeen percent but compared with other parts of the world like the eurozone for example where interest rates have remained close to zero for years it's still very high the same buyers to guard inflation rage rate which is currently hovering at around nine percent slower than in previous years but still very high compared to other countries let's bring in our correspondent articulates you from a capital. i say again a has had the highest interest rates across africa for years how is that influenced the going to an economy. well it's