but as soon as we discussed this in cabinet, i brought this up, with all opposition parties, amanah, pbbhe opposition parties, so, hopefully, we will get a unanimous decision tdt tfie' hex? tew 5213135; the electignwillrsgme' of those on the electoral roll williomeiromyoung people of malaysia. that means any party, whether it's my party or the opposition, cannot mess with the youth of malaysia. so they can vote, but many of them at the moment can't find a job. that is an issue. that is why the first thing which i want to do... it is a big issue, what is it, about 10.8%? i think it's about 10.7%. 0k. the plan of the government is to reduce youth unemployment into the single digit. it is still significantly lower than the global average of 18% but we can't fall behind thailand, singapore... i was going to say, in the region it is higher, isn't it, i mean, singapore is 4.5%, thailand, 6%, vietnam, 7%, i mean, you know the statistics better than i do. china is the country that has the same level of youth unemployment. but it is not so much the numbers which is a story for every single one of