suddenly these people that had been these spun up charlie chapman figures, suddenly they become real, real humans, their faces come alive. >> mrat war as well and one of the things that struck me is, while we're seeing these scenes of complete horror, so often they talk about the camaraderie they had with each other and the down time they had with each. >> the men appeared cheerful under the circumstances, happy as they could be, making the best of everything, you know, in true british fashion. >> and the intense bonds they formed with each other during that fight. there was an almost -- it's not joyful but there was a quality in their relationships with each other that was -- that was uplifting in some way. >> yes. i agree. we got hold of some incredible archived audio recordings and we ended up with 200 interviews and some of the interviews are seven hours long, really in-depth. i guess -- to answer your question, it's interesting because we obviously from 100 years into the future, 100 years since this war, all we can view it now is as an incredible waste and the violence and misery and the suffering that we associate with